Manual & Release Notes

Manual & Release Notes

Topics covered in the manual

  • Software Administration
  • User Interface
  • Application Guide
  • Command and Setup Reference
  • Error Messages
  • Theoretical Background
  • Literature
  • Index

Release Notes

  • July, 2024

    The new update 9.0.1 has been released.

    • GUI:
      • Additional start/stop commands for reconnectable server
      • Time-to-finish display support for new remote server
      • Improved file selector for postprocessing equations
      • Improvement for QTEM impedance calculation for classic PGA
      • Fix for exception in edit conformal dielectric
      • Improved Boolean subtract operation
      • Improved handling of unicode errors in path names
      • Farfield cut preview in 3D Design window
      • Improvements for reconnectable remote server
      • Support of multiple jobs request on reconnectable server
      • Improved long name support for dielectric properties
      • QTEM support for hollow coaxial lines
      • Memorizing mirror plane in repeated operation
    • Import / Export:
      • Support of inverse layers in ODB++ CAD files
      • Prevent geometry clones in DXF import of multiple files
    • Simulation engine:
      • Numa support for AMD EPYC 9R14 CPU
      • Support of very large cache sizes, e.g. AMD EPYC 9V33X/9684x CPU
      • Fix for matched source excitation
    • Postprocessing:
      • Output of used lumped port impedance in log window
      • Improvements for far field cuts with rotation
    • 2D result plotting engine:
      • Prevent select rectangle when dragging the legend
    • 3D result plotting engine:
      • Improvements for setting savings in field monitors
      • Fix for exception in 3D Results with near field display
    • Documentation and Installation:
      • Updated Manual, Application Notes
      • Adjustments for Ubuntu 24.04 installation
  • April, 2024

    The new major update 9.0.0 is now available. Many enhancements were integrated in the latest version. Please fill in the Free Demo form for your personal copy.

    • General:
      • New Conformal Field Injection: Improved 2D PGA for flat metals
      • New reconnectable remote simulation server
    • GUI:
      • New library element for voxel data files
      • Priority concept for mesh hints with overlapping areas
      • Improved transformation setup for farfield superposition
      • Import/Export of simulation setup
      • Show field probe location in 3D Design & 3D Display mode
      • Unification of normalization menus in field monitors
      • Improved compatibility with previous versions
      • Parallel simulation and preprocessing in parameter sweeps
      • Improved layout for variable sliders and values
      • No equation simplification by default in variables
      • Improved arrow input for function "Set Height"
      • Improved wire frame display for zero normal angle in 3D Design
      • Group name display in Infobox in 2D Design mode
      • Improved manual meshing behavior
      • Extended Material Database
      • Import and Export of views in edit modes
      • Improved via fence library element
      • Fix for flat solid extrusion
      • Improved automesh for parametric Boolean objects
      • Mesh hints support for ignore attribute
    • Import/Export:
      • New Collada 3D data import
      • Fix for GDSII import on Linux
      • Improved ODB++ import
      • Multpile DXF file import avoiding clones
      • Fix for OCC based export
      • IDTF/U3D export fix
      • Improved PCAD export for vias
      • Accelerated Gerber import
    • Simulation engine:
      • Support of anisotropic meta materials
      • Improved strategy selection
      • Field source excitation using Far field monitor results
      • Extended CPU recognition
      • Improved field monitor convergence for zero fields
      • Warning for ports embedded entirely in PEC
    • Postprocessing:
      • Server postprocessing support on local host
      • SAR preprocessing for slave monitors
      • S to Z parameter transformation for imported Touchstone files
    • 2D result plotting engine:
      • New plot type "Far field (RCS)" for bistatic scattering cross section
      • Fixed point format option for markers in plots
      • Option to include variant name in legends
      • Improved marker edit using current unit
      • Improved result table for Mimo-ECC
      • Fix for adding sweep plot
    • 3D result plotting engine:
      • Matching of maximum values in legend and marker at maximum location
      • SAR interpolation improvements for full volume monitors
      • Improved Field Monitor behaviour
      • Accelerated display of huge EM field monitors
    • Circuit simulation module and schematic editor:
      • New 4-port transmission line element
    • Documentation and Installation:
      • Fix for status commands on Linux
      • Silent installation support
      • Automatic copy of field source files in project folder
      • Updated uninstall list
      • Updated Manual, Examples, Tutorials, Application Notes
  • December, 2023

    The new minor update 8.2.2 is now available. Many enhancements were integrated in the latest version. Please fill in the Free Demo form for your personal copy.

    The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • 2D & 3D Design:
      • More number of digits in far field array editor
      • Automesh improvement for bulk loss model
      • Farfield monitor Storage: Subsampling correction
      • Memory overflow prevention for long domains and small intervals
      • Improved data planes selection in Far Field Monitor storage
      • Adjustable factor for increased stability reserve
      • Polygon pointlist update after delete
      • Add render surface in 2D Design
      • Improved Finline source element
      • Improved message for wide-band lossy arbitrary waveguides
      • Consistent context menus for group actions
      • Improved SMD wizard
      • Fix for conformal dielectrics coating coordinate input
      • Improved import of phase/amplitude in array wizard
      • Fix for optimization with swept Boolean operations
    • Simulation engine:
      • Improved message for Arbitrary Waveguide with lossy cross section
      • Removing Multi-PC simulation deadlock on Windows with more than 1 slave
      • Support of user-defined pulse with fractional exponents
      • Support of numerical percentage values for stability reserve
      • Removed delay option for start simulation
    • Data exchange:
      • Gerber import message improvements
      • OCC based STEP export improvements
      • Pro/E import support for more file endings
      • DXF import improvements for mm unit
      • Fixed STL import problems on Windows
      • Fix for U3D export
    • Postprocessing:
      • Accelerated sweep setup on Windows for many variables
      • Tissue log file for low frequency SAR calulations
    • Documentation:
      • Updated Manual
  • February, 2023

    The brand new EMPIRE XPU 8.2.0 has been released. It contains many new helpful features.

    The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Graphical user interface:
      • TDR analysis including Bessel filters for excitation and results
      • Conformal Toolbox
      • Circular polarized excitation of circular waveguides
      • Metal Sheet Stack property including new roughness model
      • New Library elements (RF Trace, Educational Brick, Conformal MSL, CPW, Viafence, SMDs with material properties for body and caps, Coax elements with adjustable priorities)
    • Simulation engine:
      • New Surface Roughness Model
      • Equivalent circuit model for metal sheet stack
      • Optimization for Alder Lake CPUs
      • Support of multiple field sources
      • Windows CMD Commands for Start / Stop Empire Server
    • 2D and 3D result plotting engine: 
      • Transmission Factors for simultaneous simulation
      • Polarization angle for Ludwig 3 far field transformation
      • Improved marker storage avoiding frequency jumps
      • Support of farfield symmetry planes
      • RCS sweep angle support
      • Sweep support for MIMO ECC and DCF
      • Poynting vector calculation for field pathes
      • Slope and Q-factor display for Markers
      • Contour lines for Plot Format “Farfield (3D)”
    • New circuit simulation module and schematic editor:
      •     Impedance plot type display
    • CAD exchange:
      • Update Spatial Libraries 2022.
      • OCC (open cascade) based BREP Export
  • October, 2021

    The brand new EMPIRE XPU 8.1.0 GUI has been built on future-proof Python3 and supports many new helpful features.

    The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Graphical user interface:
      • Switch to future-proof Python 3
      • Debye dispersion plots and variable support
      • SMD Wizard including export
      • General rotation for library elements
      • LCS enhancements (Variables, transformations)
      • SCAD bool engine update
    • Simulation engine:
      • Kernel update to support new AMD processors
      • Accuracy improvements for conformal dielectrics
      • Multi PC solver (Hard disc reclaim switch, TCP communication, IP address support)
    • 2D and 3D result plotting engine:
      • Sweep tool in 2D plot
      • Extended axis format and labels
      • Improved curve sorting
      • Save / Store camera angle in 3D views
    • New circuit simulation module and schematic editor:
      • Near field superposition
    • CAD exchange:
      • New field source (Rohde & Schwarz format)
      • Port array parameter import/export
      • Field plane ASCII export
      • Thermal monitor ASCII export
      • Selectable engine for improved 3D CAD export results
      • Open CASCADE based BREP export of rotation bodies
      • ODB++ folder structure and zip file import
  • March, 2020

    For many years now, EMPIRE XPU has been one of the leading 3D electromagnetic field simulator based on the powerful 3D Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD). Due to its unique XPU technology the performance of EMPIRE is superior to other EM solvers. The brand new EMPIRE XPU 8.0.0 GUI has been built with the modern QT toolkit which supports many helpful features.

    The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • New modern easy-to-use graphical user interface:
      • Use of modern software design approaches
      • Much easier to use GUI including drag&drop, context menus or tooltips
      • Validated inputs everywhere
    • All new simulation control engine:
      • The new EMPIRE XPU solver shows a re-organized new simulation tab which gives a comprehensive status on all currently running simulation activities
      • Operation buttons, job trees, log and convergence windows have been introduced
      • Keep all your simulations, variable sweeps and optimizations under control
    • Efficient 2D and 3D result plotting engine:
      • Easy handling of optimizations with thousands of curves
      • Masks, powerful markers and filters
      • The all new 3D results engine is much more efficient, fast and offers many new beautiful display options
    • New circuit simulation module and schematic editor:
      • Create and analyse your RF circuit as a standalone schematic or dependent on the FDTD results
      • Matching circuits or feed networks can therefore be designed without the necessity to run extensive EM simulations
    • Exposure evaluation compliant to IEC and IEEE standards
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • QTEM Ports: accurate and easy-to-use quasi-TEM ports based on eigenmodes
    • Virtual Model Inspection Module: Visualize model and fields on virtual reality glasses (add-on module for HTC Vive)
    • In-Plane averaging of near fields, e.g. power density averaging
    • MIMO DCF (Display Correlation Factor) as alternative for MIMO ECC
    • New optimizers based on evolutionary algorithms
    • U3D export for creating 3D-PDFs from Empire models
    • BREP STEP export using Spatial’s new Polyhedra plug-in available
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Circuit Simulation: near and far field superposition
    • Substructure: simplified conformal mapping based on LCS
    • Substructure: increased encryption security for read protected parts
    • MIMO antennas: envelope correlation coefficient
    • History in Boolean operations, keeping parameters
    • Support of processor groups (> 64 cores) on Windows
    • Multiple NUMA node support on Linux for Empire Servers
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • 3D Design mode & enhanced 3D modeling kernel
    • Direct Import & Export of 3D CAD formats (IGES, Step, ACIS, Catia, Siemens NX,…)
    • EDA Import of ODB++ files
    • Cloud Computing using Amazon EC 2 from batch processing interface
    • Importer for EM simulation vendor projects
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Redesigned Graphical User Interface
    • Extended object library
    • Circuit simulation module
    • Redesigned 3D object kernel
    • Improved automatic meshing
    • Field source
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Thermal solver including heat sources, RF losses, conductivity, convection, radiation
    • Poser for human body models
    • High speed simulation on Solid State Disks (SSD)
    • Additional Optimizer algorithms
    • Postprocessing on remote servers
    • Field monitors for volumes, planes, paths, probes
    • Arbitrary oriented (off-axis) lumped ports
    • Active impedance simulation
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Cluster solver for Windows
    • High speed simulation of large problems on hard disk drive
    • Advanced Vector Extension (AVX) support
    • Reduced memory usage for preprocessing and simulation
    • New curve plotting engine with easy-to-use sorting, zooming and filtering features
    • 2D & 3D slice visualization of human body models for easy positioning of devices
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • RF Planar object library
    • 3D visualization: Boundaries, Viewport, 3D Motion, Textures
    • Simplified port creation menu
    • Improved layer control and editor
    • Parameter definition for geometric variations, and simulation parameters
    • Reduced memory and accelerations for preprocessing & simulation setup
    • Improved automatic meshing including mesh hints
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Windows XP & Vista: GUI in 64 bit
    • Optimization: reduced memory usage
    • Post-processing on multiple cores
    • High-speed meshing algorithm for complex 3D solids
    • Multiple (user-defined) excitation functions
    • Script controlled simulation and optimization
    • Client / Server processing over IP
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • Object Library with 3D, 2D, wire and SMD objects
    • Perfect Geometry Approximation (PGA)
    • Internal wave guide ports with higher order modes
    • Fast plane wave excitations
    • Superposition of near and far fields
    • Calibrated ports with accurate reference plane shift for all port types
    • Port library supporting circular waveguides
    • Object snap on edges, corners and midpoints
  • The outstanding features of the new version are:

    • New FLEXlm version 11 (USB dongle licensing)
    • LRC lumped components
    • Windows XP/Vista 64bit support
    • Far field rotation with arbitrary angles
    • STL data heal and simplify function
    • Automatic far field box generation
    • Enhanced templates for pulse shapes

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